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هر آنچه منتشر ميشود به قصد و هدف آگاهی رسانی و روشنگری است۰ ما حق "آزاد ی بيان" و" قلم" را جزء لاينفک مبارزه خود ميدانيم! ما را از بر چسب و افترا زدن باکی نيست! سلام به شهدای خلق! سلام به آزادی!

۱۳۸۷ تیر ۱۹, چهارشنبه

نگاهي تاريخي به تصاوير "جليله و..." در فلسطين از سال۱۸۷۷تاسال۱۹۲۵

نگاهي تاريخي به تصاوير "جليله و..." در فلسطين از سال۱۸۷۷تاسال۱۹۲۵

, 52, 74, 78b, 105, 144, 196, 197, 205, 211, 226, 228, 235, 243, 248, 264, 272, 280b, 280c, 296, 304, 323, 336, 347, 360, 361, 365
.Bilder Frttn Det Heilige Landet, Stockholm 1928
Bert UNDERWOOD: 28b, 44a, 167a, 305, 339, 342.
F. BEDFORD, Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria 1862: 28a, 43a, 142, 254,
308.Felix BONFILS, Palestine, Syrie, Turkie d'Asie, 1879: 18, 24, 57b, 62 63, 80a, 100a, 152, 170, 185, 206, 207, 225, 230, 237, 250, 251, 276, 283, 284, 290, 302, 364. R. BAIN, J. Vincent,J. Lee, Earthly Footsteps of the Man of Galilee, New York, 1894: 26a, 26b, 31, 32a, 39a, 43a, 47b, 49, 51b, 58, 59a, 59b, 68b, 168a, 239, 277, 362, 363
. Ben Dov, Jerusalem: 53, 108b, 126a, 162a, 164, 165a, 166a, 166b, 192a, 255, 256, 261, 269a.
P. BERGHEIM: 22, 209, 280, 307. 322
.Frank M. GOOD, Photo-Pictures, The Holy Land, London: 56, 57a, 181, 187, 234, 247, 269b, 280a, 299, 301a, 313, 316, 318, 333.
Stephen GRAHAM, With the Russian Pilgrims to Jerusalem, London 1821: 285, 366."Collection HENTSCHEL": 61, 88, 101, 140a, 140b, 16 178, 180, 182, 189, 190, 204, 214, 220, 221, 223, 224, 233, 238, 240, 241, 242, 268, 275, 335, 337, 338, 343, 348, 350.GERMAN AIR FORCE, 1918: 35a, 270.ARMENIAN PHOTOGRAPHER: 194, 232
.E. PIEROTTI, 1858: 29, 340.
Ludwig PREISS, Paul Rohrbach, Palaestina und das Ost-Jordanland, Zurich 1925: 60b, 82b, 83, 148, 301b, 314, 315a.
Francis FRITH, Sinai and Palestine, London 1862: 20, 27a, 51a, 184, 198, 200, 252, 271, 311, 320.G.E. FRANKLIN, Palestine Depicted and Described, London 1911: 173b.
Palestine Exploration Fund: 78a, 172.
Leo KAHAN, Palastina in Bilder, Wien 1913: 34b, 44b, 45, 46a, 65b, 114, 124, 298, 325, 326.G. S. KEITH, Daguer,-)types of the Holy Land, ca. 1847:
CRAMB: 143a, 208, 229
.I. RAFFALOVICH, M.E. Sachs, Ansichten von Palastina und den Judischen Colonien, 1899: 55c
.Cecil V. SHADBOLT, in H. A. Harper, Walks in Palestine, London 189

202a, 368.E. et F. THEVOZ, La Palestine Illustree, Lausanne 1888: 62a, 62b, 62c, 64a, 64b, 90a, 106b, 107a, 107b, 108a, 168b, 173a, 286a, 306a, 306b, 310b, 346a, 352.Album Presented to Sir Herbert Samuel by the Mayor of Jerusalem: 183, 293, 297, 334.Album Presented to L. Yaffe: 133b, 315b.G. Landauer, Palastina, Munich 1925: 35a, 345.K. GROBER, Palestine und Syria, Berlin 1926: 39b.The Way of the Cross, London 1890: 40a, 40b, 41a, 60a, 73, 77, 306c, 344.
Album de Terre Sainte, Paris: 27a, 30, 33a, 42, 91, 92a, 100b, 109, 150a, 169a, 171, 174, 176, 227, 244, 246, 267, 273, 274, 278, 279, 288a, 288b, 289, 292a, 294a, 294b, 295, 341, 351, 353, 354, 367.
Lithographs and Engravings:
Ch. Wilson, Picturesque Palestine, 1880:
33c, 138, 312a.
W. H. Bartlett: 66, 155. Lortet, La Syrie d'Aujourd'hui, Paris 1884:
80a, 249, 355.F. B. Spilsbury, Picturesque Scenery in the Holy Land and Syria, London
1799: 81

W. M. Thomson, The Land and the Book, London 1881: 312b.

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