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هر آنچه منتشر ميشود به قصد و هدف آگاهی رسانی و روشنگری است۰ ما حق "آزاد ی بيان" و" قلم" را جزء لاينفک مبارزه خود ميدانيم! ما را از بر چسب و افترا زدن باکی نيست! سلام به شهدای خلق! سلام به آزادی!

۱۳۸۹ اردیبهشت ۲۷, دوشنبه

پلیس امنیتی ترکیه:چهل پناهنده را کشتیم و چال کردیم

بر اساس گزارشی از روزنامه صباح ترکیه و بنا به اعترفات یک پلیس امنیتی سابق که در شهر*حَکّاری منطقه یوکسک اووا به عنوانه گروهبان در قسمت اطلاعاتی‌ ژاندارمری این منطقه مشغول به خدمت بوده است،چهل پناهنده را که در صدد فرار(به صورت قاچاق)از مرز ایران ترکیه بوده اند,به قتل رسانده و در یک گور دسته جعمی دفن کرده اند.

چهل پناهنده را کشتیم و چال کردیم

بر اساس گزارشی از روزنامه صباح ترکیه و بنا به اعترفات یک پلیس امنیتی سابق که در شهر *حَکّاری منطقه یوکسک اووا به عنوانه گروهبان در قسمت اطلاعاتی‌ ژاندارمری این منطقه مشغول به خدمت بوده است،چهل پناهنده را که در صدد فرار ( به صورت قاچاق ) از مرز ایران-ترکیه بوده اند به قتل رسانده و در یک گور دسته جعمی دفن کرده اند.

وی ادعا می‌کند که حتا میتواند جای این گور دسته جعمی را نشان بدهد،او پس از اخراج ناگهانی از ژاندارمری به مقامات ویژه دادستانی در شهر دیاربکر مراجعه کرده و از این مقامات تقاضای حفاظت جانی کرده است.

او همچنین ادعا می‌کند که دوازده سال پیش ،به مدت سه روز در زمان خدمتش در ژاندارمری شهر *حَکّاری یوکسک اووا ، شمدیلان، چوکورجا در منطقه شیرناک وان و در آخر دیاربکر با سازمان امنیتی به نامه مستعار “جیتم” و به نام مبارزه با ترور به عنوان بازجو به طور موقت خدمت و همکاری کرده است.

او می‌گوید در زمان ورود این پناهندگان به صورت قاچاق ، یعنی‌ در سال ۱۹۹۷ میلادی وی در یک پست موقتی و به عنوان پلیس مرزی; در شهر وان ،در منطقه باش قلعه خدمت می‌کرده است،او در توضیحات خود ادامه میدهد : اکثر این پناهندگان تابع کشورهای ایران، افغانستان و پاکستان بودند .

بنا به اعترافات این شاهد ،دستور کشتار پناهندگان ،از طرف فرمانده کل منطقه و با این عنوان بوده است: این افراد فراری هستند و از طرف کشورشان در پیگرد قانونی‌ قرار دارند ،اگر ما آنهارا دستگیر کنیم و به دادستانی تحویل دهیم هیچ فایده ای ندارد زیرا که دادستانی آنهارا یا آزاد می‌کند و یا یا اینکه آنها را به کشورشان بازمیگرداند ،و اگر این اتفاق بیفتد اینها در مدتی‌ کوتاه دوباره به صورت قاچاق برای ورود دوباره به خاک ترکیه تلاش خواهند کرد….دست همشان را از پشت ببندید و بعد آنها را بکشید !!

این جنایت، در فاصله تقریبا ۵ کیلومتر به دور از ایستگاه پلیس همان منطقه در جایی‌ که از قبل علامت گذاری شده بوده است صورت می‌گیرد،و در گزارش پلیس اینطور نوشته میشود: این افراد از اعضای سازمان تروریستی پکک * )بوده‌اند و در یک جنگ مسلحانه کشته شدند…

در حال حاضر این پرونده و مدارک برای رسیدگی بیشتر به مقامات ویژه دادستانی کلّ در شهر وان فرستاده شده است


حَکّاری (به ترکی: Hakkari، به کردی: Colemêrg، تلفظ” جوله‌مِرگ) شهری است در منتهی‌الیه جنوب شرقی ترکیه و در نزدیکی مرز ایران. این شهر مرکز استان حکاری است.

حزب کارگران کردستان معروف به پ.ک.ک نام گروهی چپگرا و مسلح در جنوب شرقی ترکیه (باکور کردستان) است که خواستار ایجاد کردستان بزرگ در مناطقی از ترکیه، عراق، ایران و سوریه است. سازمان ملل متحد ، اتحادیه اروپا ،[۱]آمریکا، ترکیه و ایران این حزب را گروهی تروریستی اعلام کرده‌اند

Chomsky ban: "An end to freedom"?

Chomsky was turned away as he tried to enter the West Bank to give a lecture

Noam Chomsky, the American academic barred from entering the occupied West Bank on Sunday night, has not been particularly outspoken about the incident.

He told Al Jazeera that the Israeli government was upset that his plans to speak at a Palestinian university were scuppered; he likened Israel to a "Stalinist regime" in a brief interviewwith Haaretz; but he has otherwise kept a low public profile.

In the US media, too, Chomsky's expulsion attracted relatively little interest.

But the incident has sparked a debate within Israel, where a number of prominent journalists and writers questioned whether it's part of a trend - of the Israeli government denying entry to people simply because of their political views.

The Israeli daily Ma'ariv reported that the decision to bar Chomsky came from an official in the Israeli interior ministry - and that he was barred for being a "leftist."

Chomsky is hardly the first person barred from Israel on ideological grounds. Jared Malsin, the English editor of the Ma'an news service, was deported from Israel in January for his political views. And Ivan Prado, a Spanish clown, was deported earlier this year, also for his political views.

The Association of Civil Rights in Israel told the Jerusalem Post that people with left-wing views are routinely barredfrom entering Israel.

Oded Feller, an attorney for the group, said the Israeli interior ministry has not set out clear criteria for barring people from Israel, and that political considerations are often involved.

"There may be a million reasons, but try to find a single criterion for entry refusal and you’ll hit a blank wall," Feller said.

"Dozens of people are refused entry to Israel every week and I'm sure that the interior ministry has great reasons for every refusal, but if you try to discern what the regulations that guide the decision to grant or refuse an individual’s entry to Israel are, you won’t find them.

"The interior ministry simply doesn't publish them, this despite a court ruling that ordered them to do so."

Boaz Okon, the legal affairs editor for the Israeli daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, said the issue could mark"the end of Israel as a freedom-loving state of law".

"When freedom disappears - it comes first of all at the expense of the weak, the marginal groups or the minorities. But it does not end there. Now it is also reaching intellectuals with a worldwide reputation.

"Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the decision to shut up Prof. Chomsky is an attempt to put an end to freedom in the State of Israel," Okon wrote.

Ethan Bronner, the Jerusalem bureau chief for the New York Times, reported on the debate within Israel, where one conservative member of the Knesset said barring people with Chomsky's viewswas a decision "to protect our existence."

Israel's interior ministry has characterized the incident as a "misunderstanding," and there's some speculation in the Israeli press that Chomsky will be allowed to enter the West Bank in the coming days.

If you missed it, here's the video of Chomsky's interview with Al Jazeera on Sunday night:

Chomsky ban: "An end to freedom"?

Chomsky was turned away as he tried to enter the West Bank to give a lecture

Noam Chomsky, the American academic barred from entering the occupied West Bank on Sunday night, has not been particularly outspoken about the incident.

He told Al Jazeera that the Israeli government was upset that his plans to speak at a Palestinian university were scuppered; he likened Israel to a "Stalinist regime" in a brief interviewwith Haaretz; but he has otherwise kept a low public profile.

In the US media, too, Chomsky's expulsion attracted relatively little interest.

But the incident has sparked a debate within Israel, where a number of prominent journalists and writers questioned whether it's part of a trend - of the Israeli government denying entry to people simply because of their political views.

The Israeli daily Ma'ariv reported that the decision to bar Chomsky came from an official in the Israeli interior ministry - and that he was barred for being a "leftist."

Chomsky is hardly the first person barred from Israel on ideological grounds. Jared Malsin, the English editor of the Ma'an news service, was deported from Israel in January for his political views. And Ivan Prado, a Spanish clown, was deported earlier this year, also for his political views.

The Association of Civil Rights in Israel told the Jerusalem Post that people with left-wing views are routinely barredfrom entering Israel.

Oded Feller, an attorney for the group, said the Israeli interior ministry has not set out clear criteria for barring people from Israel, and that political considerations are often involved.

"There may be a million reasons, but try to find a single criterion for entry refusal and you’ll hit a blank wall," Feller said.

"Dozens of people are refused entry to Israel every week and I'm sure that the interior ministry has great reasons for every refusal, but if you try to discern what the regulations that guide the decision to grant or refuse an individual’s entry to Israel are, you won’t find them.

"The interior ministry simply doesn't publish them, this despite a court ruling that ordered them to do so."

Boaz Okon, the legal affairs editor for the Israeli daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, said the issue could mark"the end of Israel as a freedom-loving state of law".

"When freedom disappears - it comes first of all at the expense of the weak, the marginal groups or the minorities. But it does not end there. Now it is also reaching intellectuals with a worldwide reputation.

"Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the decision to shut up Prof. Chomsky is an attempt to put an end to freedom in the State of Israel," Okon wrote.

Ethan Bronner, the Jerusalem bureau chief for the New York Times, reported on the debate within Israel, where one conservative member of the Knesset said barring people with Chomsky's viewswas a decision "to protect our existence."

Israel's interior ministry has characterized the incident as a "misunderstanding," and there's some speculation in the Israeli press that Chomsky will be allowed to enter the West Bank in the coming days.

If you missed it, here's the video of Chomsky's interview with Al Jazeera on Sunday night:

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Images Video Occupation

After banned by Israel, Chomsky to give Bir Zeit lecture by video from Amman
Chomsky spoke yesterday to Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, whom he was supposed to meet in Ramallah. Fayyad's office released a statement saying the two men "discussed the political situation and developments in Palestine." Fayyad said he "strongly condemns the decision of the occupation forces to prevent Chomsky from entering Palestinian land."...

18 May 2010 / Read More
After denied entry to West Bank, Chomsky likens Israel to ‘Stalinist regime’
Amira Hass: Chomsky told Haaretz that he supports a two-state solution, but not the solution proposed by Jerusalem, "pieces of land that will be called a state." He said that Israel's behavior today reminds him of that of South Africa in the 1960s, when it realized that it was already considered a pariah, but thought that it would resolve the problem with better public relations....

17 May 2010 / Read More
Chomsky Al-Jazeera video interview
We were denied entry”
Noam Chomsky... has been barred from entering the West Bank... across the Allenby Bridge from Jordan on Sunday. The linguistics professor, who frequently speaks out against Israeli policy in the occupied Palestinian territories, had been scheduled to give a lecture at Birzeit University in the West
Bank. (Video interview with Noam Chomsky)...

16 May 2010 / Read More
Israeli Students: IDC head called B’Tselem a ‘fifth column’
The president of the Interdisciplinary Center, Uriel Reichman, described the human rights watchdog B'Tselem as a "fifth column" and said that inviting its representatives to speak at the college was "disgraceful," students who spoke to the president told Haaretz. Reichman denies ever making the statements....

16 May 2010 / Read More
Ameer Makhoul’s Political Detention Extended
On the 12th of May 2010, an Israeli Magistrates Court extended the political detentions of Palestinian civil society activists Dr. Omar Said and Ameer Makhoul by 4 and 5 days, respectively. The extensions were issued in closed door hearings in which Said and Makhoul were not permitted to meet their legal representatives. (Video)...

14 May 2010 / Read More
Attorney seeks to bar Goldstone from US
A well-known American Jewish attorney who worked to deport former Nazis from the US is urging American officials to bar former judge Richard Goldstone from entering the country over his rulings during South Africa’s apartheid regime.

IOA Editor: Revenge... He was allowed to attend his grandson's Bar-Mitzva, but we'll block his entry to the US....

14 May 2010 / Read More
New weapons experimented in Gaza: population risks genetic mutations
Toxic and carcinogenic metals, able to produce genetic mutations, have been found in the tissues of people wounded in Gaza during Israeli military operations of 2006 and 2009. The research has been carried out on wounds provoked by weapons that did not leave fragments in the bodies of the victims, a peculiarity that was pointed out repeatedly by doctors in Gaza. This shows that experimental weapons, whose effects are still to be assessed, were used....

13 May 2010 / Read More
Court: Israeli Arabs arrested over alleged spying to remain jailed
The Petah Tikva Magistrate's Court on Wednesday ruled that two Israeli Arab men arrested last week over allegations of spying and ties to Hezbollah will remain jailed until early next week... and ruled that Makhoul will not be able to see a lawyer until next Friday at the earliest. Dozens of activists gathered earlier Wednesday outside the Petah Tikva court to protest the arrest of the two Israeli Arabs over allegations of spying and ties to Hezbollah....

12 May 2010 / Read More
Shin Bet recruiters enticing Palestinian medical students with Jerusalem entry permits
The Shin Bet security service is trying to recruit Palestinian medical students as a condition for granting them entry permits to Jerusalem, according to two medical students at Al-Quds University pursuing internships in Palestinian university hospitals in the city....

12 May 2010 / Read More
Video: Ameer Makhoul, Omar Said -Israel lifts gag order on new arrests
In the past two weeks the Israeli internal intelligence agency, the Shabak / Shin Bet, arrested two prominent Israeli activists in the middle of the night. The men are well known leaders of Palestinian organizations inside Israel... arrested under secret evidence and a gag order was issued to the Israeli press regarding their arrests....
1 May 2010 / Read More
Ameer Makhoul’s Gag Order
The original Hebrew version of the gag order issued by the Israeli court in the matter of the arrest and investigation of Ameer Makhoul, and an English translation....
11 May 2010 / Read More

Dershowitz: Jews initiate legal terror against Israel
Dershowitz accused anarchist Jewish linguist Noam Chomsky of creating a hostile atmosphere among many groups in the United States and in its academic campuses. They are creating a narrative which always presents Israel as a Nazi occupier, he said, while shutting their eyes to facts contradicting those same claims, like the ties between Jerusalem's Grand Mufti Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler during World War II.

IOA Editor: At no time did Noam Chomsky refer to Israel as a "Nazi occupier." As the record amply shows, "Israeli occupier" is sufficiently cruel. Linking the Jerusalem Mufti to Hitler does not logically contradict any characterization of the Israeli occupation. On the Mufti-Hitler issue, see Gilbert Achcar: Israel’s Propaganda War – Blame the Grand Mufti.

Dershowitz' desperately warped arguments are interesting: "legal terror," for example. As a prominent lawyer, one would expect him to appreciate that "terrorism" is generally understood to mean "violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal... and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians)" (Wikipedia). This definition is sufficiently broad to cover both the bombing of Gaza residential neighborhoods and the blowing up of Tel Aviv buses. On the other hand, legal challenges, unpleasant as they might be to the receiving party, are designed to be countered and resolved, in a civilized manner, in a court of law - something which an army of Israeli lawyers, and international supporters like Dershowitz, are working hard to block.

On "Delegitimization:" Conveniently, Israel’s ‘supporters’ equate criticism of Israeli actions — mostly, directly connected to the Occupation, and the Occupation itself — with denial of its right to exist. This is an old Hasbara trick: You criticize us, you’re really saying Israel has no right to exist. Left out of the discussion is "The right to exist as what?" As an occupying state? An Apartheid state? The term "delegitimization" is actually turned on its head: It is the Israelis who are attempting to delegitimize their critics by calling them "delegitimizers," trying to blur the distinctions between "delegitimizers" and anti-Semites, consistent with old Israeli propaganda practices: If you criticize us, you’re either an anti-Semite -- and Dershowitz' reference to Nazism is designed to do just that -- or you’re a sick, “self-hating" Jew. Chomsky, Finkelstein, and this writer, born to Jewish mothers, must be the latter.

For more on the important question of legitimacy of the state, and how it applies to Israel and other nation-states, see Noam Chomsky, Gilbert Achcar: On the Legitimacy of the State. More on "Delegitimization"...

11 May 2010 / Read More
Two Israeli Arabs arrested on suspicion of spying, contact with Hezbollah
The military censor on Monday lifted a gag order on news that two Israeli Arab political activists were arrested last week on charges of spying and contact with a foreign agent from Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Omar Sayid, a member of the Balad movement, and Amir Makhoul, director general of the charity Ittijah (Union of Arab Community-Based Associations) were detained by the Shin Bet security service and police anti-terror squads.

IOA Editor: "The Only Democracy in the Middle East" has a convenient way of dealing with non-violent opposition: Putting it away....

10 May 2010 / Read More
Peace Now: Construction for largest East Jerusalem settlement has begun
[W]ork has recently begun for the construction of 14 housing units in an old Israel Police station in East Jerusalem, where plans are in the works for the largest Jewish neighborhood in that part of the city... When the two neighborhoods are completed and linked, a Jewish settlement of more than 1,000 people will be situated in the heart of Ras al-Amud, a neighborhood comprising 14,000 Palestinians....

10 May 2010 / Read More
Ittijah General Director Ameer Makhoul Arrested by Israeli Authorities
This morning at 3:10 a.m. [6 May 2010], Israeli Security Agency (ISA) agents accompanied by Israeli police raided Ameer Makhoul’s family home in Haifa and arrested him. Mr. Makhoul is a human rights defender and serves as the general director of Ittijah – The Union of Arab Community-Based Associations and as the Chairman of the Public Committee for the Defense of Political Freedom in the framework of the High Follow-up Committee for the Arab Citizens of Israel.

IOA Editor: See also Ameer Makhoul: Israel’s repression of its Palestinian citizens unites us in struggle

UPDATE: Welcome, again, to the many new readers from “The Only Democracy in the Middle East” who cannot read this story in local media due to Israeli censorship -- yet another Shin-Bet-initiated, court-approved gag order. Please come back to read more about the Occupation and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and all matters the Israeli government tries to prevent you from knowing. (9 May 2010)...

6 May 2010 / Read More
Ma’an News Agency
■Arab Women in Sports Media: A unique experience
■Limited Israeli incursion reported in southern Gaza
■Gaza student denied travel to conference
■PA launches door-to-door settlement good boycott
■16 Gaza residents reportedly detained at Cairo airport
■Fatah, Hamas leaders talk unity in Nablus
■Hamas rebuffs rumors of severed ties with Egypt
■UK 'concerned' real passport used in Mabhouh hit
■Ninth boat to join Freedom Flotilla to Gaza
■1 dead in Ramallah construction accident
IPS – Inter Press Service: Israel – Palestine
■MIDEAST: Israel, Iran Talking War to Ward Off War?
■MIDEAST: New Solution for the Old City?
■Shielded by U.S. Umbrella, Israel Joins Rich Man's Club
■MIDEAST: Divided We Celebrate ■MIDEAST: Children Fight Off Israel With Music
■MIDEAST: Is Israel Sliding Towards a Police State?
■MIDEAST: Israeli Settlers Step Up Attacks on Palestinian Mosques
■MIDEAST: West Bankers Made Refugees in Their Own Country
■Will Mideast Tug-Of-War Wreck Anti-Nuke Meet?
■MIDEAST: Hope Amidst Grim Prospects for Peace FEATURED COMMENTARIES
Mustafa Barghouthi and Noam Chomsky Deliver Condemnation of ’Facist’ Israeli Policies

Noam Chomsky: "The first point was that they don't like my opinions about Israeli policies, which is true of every other country but has never stopped me coming and giving lectures before. The second, most crucial point was that they didn't like the fact that I was visiting the West Bank but then not going on to speak in Israel. The issue was going to Birzeit, just as I would any other university, without specific Israeli approval. I would say that is very unusual, perhaps unique, outside totalitarian states."...

17 May 2010 / Read More
Carlo Strenger: Israel is encouraging academic boycott by denying entry to Chomsky

I have never heard of a democratic state denying entry to thinkers... who neither call for violence or break local or international law. So what on earth is happening to Israel? ... If anything, barring Chomsky gives ammunition to those who say that Israel is infringing on academic freedom in the Palestinian Authority, and that a boycott

عکس خبری/ واحدهای مسکونی رها شده روستای ویست

خوانسار - خبرگزاری مهر: تعداد 40 واحد مسکونی روستای محروم ویست از توابع شهرستان خوانسار که از ماهها قبل بنای احداث آنها شروع شده بود به دلائل نامعلومی متوقف و رها شده است.

عکس/ رئوف محسنی

گزارش تصویری/ زندگی عشایر الیگودرز

لرستان - خبرگزاری مهر: زندگی مبتنی بر کشاورزی و دامداری عشایر در عین سادگی این روزها گاه با کوچ سنت ها همراه شده است.

عکس/ رئوف محسنی

کالبدشکافی یک جنایت / انتشار اسناد 01

کالبدشکافی یک جنایت / انتشار اسناد 02

رانا؛ مجموعه تصاویری از اعدام شدگان نوزده اردی بهشت/ سری اول

خبرگزاری هرانا - اولین سری تعدادی از تصاویر منتشر نشده ی اعدام شدگان ۱۹ اردی بهشت ماه در پی می آید.

اعدام شدگان ۱۹ اردی بهشت اشاره به واقعه اعدام ۵ زندانی سیاسی به نام های فرزاد کمانگر، شیرین علم هولی، علی حیدریان، فرهاد وکیلی و مهدی اسلامیان دارد که در تاریخ مذکور در زندان اوین به صورت مخفیانه صورت گرفت.