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هر آنچه منتشر ميشود به قصد و هدف آگاهی رسانی و روشنگری است۰ ما حق "آزاد ی بيان" و" قلم" را جزء لاينفک مبارزه خود ميدانيم! ما را از بر چسب و افترا زدن باکی نيست! سلام به شهدای خلق! سلام به آزادی!

۱۳۹۳ فروردین ۱, جمعه

انتخاب مريم رجوی به عنوان «پرافتخارترين» زن سال ۲۰۱۳ ، توسط انجمن غيردولتی «جی.بی.ای» از انجمنهای مشورتی سازمان ملل

انتخاب مريم رجوی به عنوان «پرافتخارترين» زن سال ۲۰۱۳ ، توسط انجمن غيردولتی «جی.بی.ای» از انجمنهای مشورتی سازمان ملل
تاریخ درج خبر -1392:12:19

مریم رجوی
مريم رجوی

«انجمن معتقدان به خدا» ـ جی.بی.ای ـ از انجمنهای مشورتی سازمان ملل متحد، اعلام کرد اين انجمن در آستانه روز جهانی زن از بين سه کانديدا، خانم مريم رجوي را به عنوان «پرافتخارترين» زن سال ۲۰۱۳ انتخاب نمود. کانديداهای ديگر ميشل اوباما، بانوی اول آمريکا و سونيا گاندی رهبر حزب کنگره هندوستان بودند.

سازمان غيردولتی جی.بی.ای با نزديک به پنجاه سال سابقه در دفاع از حقوق بشر و صلح جهانی، در آستانه ۸مارس، يک زن را که در طول سال ۲۰۱۳ بيشترين خدمت به کشور خود با وجود تمامی شرايط نامساعد کرده باشد و صدای نقض حقوق بشر در سرزمينش را منعکس کرده يا در بهبود شرايط اقتصادی هوطنانشان و کمک به اهداف اجتماعی ديگر تأثير گذار بوده، برای قدرد انی انتخاب نمود.

انجمن «جی.بی.ای» اسامی سه کانديدا برای سال ۲۰۱۳ را که از بين ده ها زن برجسته از نقاط مختلف جهان انتخاب شده بودند، در روز دوم مارس اعلام کرد و سپس در روز ۴مارس در نشست کميته اجرايی خود مريم رجوی را به عنوان پرافتخار ترين زن سال که بايد مورد قدردانی قرار بگيرد، از بين اين سه کانديدا معرفی نمود.

به دنبال اين انتخاب پرفسور راج بالدو، رئيس انجمن و از دانشمندان شناخته شده در تئوريهای کيهانی، طی سخنانی در تشريح علت انتخاب مريم رجوی گفت:
۱. مريم رجوی زنی بزرگ و شجاع در سياستهای کشورش است. همانند خانم اينديرا گاندی که زمانی نخست وزير هند بود و رهبری جنبش عدم تعهد را برعهده داشت.

۲. مريم رجوی ثابت کرده است يک شخصيت ممتاز است. او می تواند به خوبی و به درستی با مادر ترزا در زمينه خدمات اجتماعی قياس شود.

۳. بيش از يک دهه است که وی مشغول مبارزه برای آزادی واقعی ايرانيان از ديکتاتوری آخوندها بوده است. رژيمی که پيوسته ظلم زهرآلود سرکوب را روی شهروندان بيگناه ايران از ابتدای حکومتش پاشيده است.

۴. مريم رجوی بگونه ای وقفه ناپذير توجه رهبران جهان را برای پايان دادن به ديکتاتوری در کشورش و قتل عام ايرانيان بيگناه در داخل و خارج ايران که به طور مستقيم يا غيرمستقيم توسط رژيم ايران صورت می گيرد، جلب کرده است.

۵. مريم رجوی حقوق تمامی ايرانيانی را که در کشورهای مختلف به عنوان پناهندگان رسمی سازمان ملل هستند حفاظت کرده است. او برای پايان دادن به رنج هموطنان بيگناهش، يا لااقل کاهش عذاب آنها، توجه اغلب رهبران جهان، از جمله سازمان ملل و آمريکا را به اعمال بسيار وحشيانه و غيرانسانی رژيم ملايان جلب نموده است.

۶. وی همواره توجه قهرمانان حقوق بشر هم چون سازمان ملل و آمريکا به نقض شديد حقوق بشر توسط رژيم ملايان جلب کرده است.

۷. مريم رجوی زندگی خود را وقف انسانيت در کليت آن و ايرانيان به طور خاص نموده است که اين جزوهفت پايه ای است که طبق آن خانم رجوی برای اين افتخار نادر برای روز جهانی زن در ۸مارس ۲۰۱۴ انتخاب شده است“.

پرفسور بالدو در خاتمه سخنانش از جانب خود و «انجمن معتقدان به خدا» اين انتخاب را به خانم رجوی و «تمامی هواداران او در سراسر جهان» تبريک گفت و افزود: «اين انتخاب حاوی پيام بزرگی برای شرافت انسانی زنان است. زنانی که دارای توانی برتر، بی همتا و بی حد خواهند بود اگر چنان چه هر کدام از آنها، هم چون مريم رجوی مصمم به انجام اين وظيفه باشند».

Dr. Raj Baldev, President

Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, President God Believers
Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, Ph.D (Astro), D.Lit. D.Sc (HC), a staunch Social Reformer, though a humble person commands a strong joint background of spiritualism and Cosmology. He was born in Montgomery on 15 January 1927 in Undivided India, which is now in Pakistan, son of Late Ushnak Rai Bhatia. Married, blessed with children.
People have experienced that he is a famous predictor like Nostradamus, but his method of prediction is somewhat different, he calculates through water, hand fingers, foot fingers, time of asking question and horoscope data among the family members, world regional factors, and this system is well known as SARJATIK, pertaining to all, an individual, group, region or country.
Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, considers himself a humble devotee of Almighty God, irrespective of forms or shapes of God. He is the lead man of God Believers Association, an organization which promotes naturism, peace and environment with its broader concept of World Peace & Earth Saving Mission. In short, Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, is also called as Dr (Swamy) Raj Baldev, being blessed by God’s grace, by which he is believed to have the ability of foreseeing and analyzing most of the future events of the world and he further wishes to serve the world throughout his life in a practical way. His main mission is to serve the world peace, and to help saving the earth planet from the global warming and other changing environments by suggestions and practical measures for all countries of the world.
Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, has even got the privilege of having audience of several heads of States, most of whom invited him on State visits. President Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq, had invited him to address Iraqi Parliament, and that he did. Even Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, was invited by George Thomas, Speaker of House of Commons and Prince Charles, apart from many other heads of states including President Chun doo H’wan, President of South Korea, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt among others.
Those who know Dr. Raj Baldev affirm that he is also popularly known as Swamy Raj for his social and spiritualism, say that Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, is a big devotee of Almighty God, he talks to the Almighty God while performing his prayers, which he executes quite loudly in a clean and pious atmosphere. He normally worships and prays for relief and reprieve for all the sinners in the world, his worship is actually for the welfare and wellbeing of the entire Universe and species therein. His present main mission is to save the Earth, which he has been doing for a very long time and now wants to save the planet from the Global warming and also from excessive nuclear stockpiles by different countries including Nuclear Terrorism.
Those who are close to Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, believe that he does talk to some divine power and is blessed with such divine influence which he at times uses this power to save the most serious patients. He believes that a person can bring many changes in his destiny by prayers, acts and virtues. With his blessings, the impossible tasks change into cake walk.
Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, is now dedicated to analyze the reasons of Global Warming and regularly gives his suggestions through his lectures and talks with the Members and Council of the God Believers throughout the world, since all members of the God Believers Association, are equally interested to save the Earth planet from an anticipated higher rise of sea level to the tone of 55-60 meter in due course, by which the entire earth has every risk of be drowned. He feels, we can avert the global warming and fight the reverses of the Nature by respecting Nature by way of improving their behavior honestly, and if overlooked, perhaps none will survive except some sea animals.
Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, has been worshipping the Almighty God regularly for over 65 years and his mission is a pure social service to the humanity, he doesn’t act blindly but logically by both systems of spirituality and scientific ensue. He wishes the people to live on their earth happily by preserving their planet; and that’s only possible if they really realize the danger ahead for all, their children, generation and the humanity at large.
Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, feels that Almighty God has become angry on His human kids on the Earth since the majority of the human beings have been dishonest even to themselves. All species, he believes, are the children of the Almighty God, who wants His children to behave with purity for self and others, since all elements of the Nature are going against the humanity.
Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, feels that the people are ought to behave honestly with purity keeping complete well wishing for all beings and their survival. Believe it or not, God Believers, those who believe in his social, spiritual and scientific capability, have great confidence in his Godly powers, which he says “God listens to all, since all species are His vast family kids and if the approach of a person is positive, his purity or pure approach becomes a password to have an access to Almighty God, who listens to his/her prayer and responds accordingly. Only those can realize the powers of Almighty God, who have pure and sincere thoughts and feelings.”

An Invisible Man behind getting the Iran-Iraq war endedDonateTo achieve our Aims and Objectives, we need your support. Please extend your help generously for the cause.  ******************************************************************************
  دکتر راج بالدو پیش از سقوط صدام حسین به دعوت او به عراق رفته و در پارلمان این کشور برای نمایندگان مجلس عراق سخنرانی کرده است. همچنین او بطور مرتب به معاونان صدام حسین و شخص وی بطور خصوصی مشاوره می‌داد.   William Dembski stopped blogging at "Uncommon Descent," but then turned the

 keys over to Dave Scot and a few others. A recent post there, quickly deleted, gave a quote from Dr. Raj Baldev criticizing evolution. It was no doubt deleted once the poster became aware that Baldev is an Indian astrologer and swami who endorses palmistry, numerology, and "occult reading," and who gave private consultations to Saddam Hussein when he was in power.

Ed Brayton commented on this posting before it disappeared, and now "crandaddy" at Uncommon Descent has the nerve to criticize Ed for being "bigoted" in pointing this out.

As a commenter on Ed's blog has pointed out, Michael Behe did say in the Dover case that astrology would count as science under the definition of science that admits intelligent design


New Delhi, India: April 29, 2012 – MIL/IR Summay/GBA – Mr. JP Jain, a senior

 member of the Governing Body of God Believers Association (GBA), an NGO committed to Earth Saving Mission, seeks second phase of interview of Dr. Raj Baldev, Founder of “FAITH”, Universal Modern Religion, here on Sunday today. JP Jain submissively asks Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist and the Founder of “FAITH”, Universal Modern Religion, “Your Holiness, what’s M-Theory on which the World Top Scientist Stephen Hawking is so proudly banking and claiming to have found the right answer to the effect that there never was any God or Supernatural Power; he concludes in his book titled “The Grand Design” that the Universe was created by itself under M-Theory. JP Jain continues: “It shall be my earnest duty to say a few words in respect of Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist and Founder of FAITH, Universal Modern Religion, but on the other side I feel it is not necessary. The reason being that Dr. Raj Baldev, who is also popularly known as “Swamy JI” does not need any special introduction about his Godly Knowledge that he imparts to God Believers. Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, a divine figure, is among those Holy Figures who have crossed his 85 years of age, the major part of which he spent on the noble causes of world peace on one side and protecting the Human Rights on global scale on the other. Dr. Raj Baldev or Swamy Ji is one of the world class personalities who were invited by certain Heads of States on State Visits, a rare privilege. So much so, even he was invited to address Iraqi Parliament and was given a standing ovation. Don’t be surprised if I say that Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, without holding any official position or status, led several delegations of Members of Indian Parliament abroad on good will mission. It never happened in the history before that a holy man, a common man of his caliber, who is a non Muslim, was privileged to address their Parliament. Do you know why? This person i.e. Dr. Raj Baldev, now the Founder of “FAITH”, Universal Modern Religion, is a Godly Man who respects and pays due regard to all world religions alike, and the holy men don’t belong to any particular religion but the whole world to serve the fundamental cause of Almighty God to love the humans and pray peace for them.” Not only this, but the contribution of Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, in helping to end Iran-Iraq War was something like an impossible dream, he helped to build the base and never interested to get any credit. How an ordinary person of the caliber of Dr. Raj Baldev or Swamy Raj Baldev could lend so much influence in getting the long war ended. Even he was invited in Paris to hold a special meeting in that connection and ultimately with the good offices of the then Indian Prime Minister and the Head of the Non-Aligned Movement Mrs. Indra Gandhi, he succeeded in his Mission silently and selflessly. My Dear Readers, what would you say about this small event?

He is undoubtedly one of the worlds top Holy Figures who has vowed to all God Believers in the world that all world religions have a big scientific base and are in no way less than the present advanced science in any manner. His main aim is to create a healthy balance between Religion and Science or say God vs Science. Since Stephen Hawking, one of the world recognized scientists, has tried to prove in his book “The Grand Design” that there exists no God, everything is created under M-Theory, whom he considers the top candidate to support him.” Dr. (Swamy) Raj Baldev humbly answers: (Read in the next series under the title: Stephen Hawking holds no credible theory of the Universe: FAITH – Series 2).

About Dr. Raj Baldev

Dr. Raj Baldev, Cosmo Theorist, Ph.D., D. Litt., D Sc. (H.C), Editor-in-Chief of International Reporter, Chairman Media International Ltd., Born on 15 January 1927 in Montgomery, now in Pakistan. Internationally known, man of letters with over dozen of books and thousands of articles to his credit on various subjects including theories on the Creation of the Universe, the Black Holes, Supernovas and other functions of the Universe, Nature and Life , which he described both ways, philosophically and scientifically. He further elaborated how the entire Cosmos were formed. He holds spiritual wisdom of predicting and curing powers of the human problems, so much so, he is popularly known as Destiny Repairer, hence people call him with respect as Swamy Ji. He got the privilege of leading various Parliamentary Delegations abroad on good will missions; he also got the privilege of being invited by differnt Heads of State on state visits. He is the Founder of God Believers (GBA) who place belief in “FAITH”, Universal Modern Religion. FAITH is not a religion but a human service, an encyclopedia of creating healthy balance between Science and God. The main purpose of this mission is to defend the Identity of God from Scientists on one hand and to help fight Global Environmental Abuses, to create awareness of high risks of Excessive Nuclear Stockpiles, global service to the Human Rights and Justice on the other. He is a very simple man, he commands special respect as a holy man with high spiritualism and people address him as His Holiness. He is equally dedicated to the cause of media and journalism where he has been serving the people through his writing for over 50 years; he has also served as Member of Press Council of India. His main aim is to serve the humanity and all kinds of life on the Earth, to serve the elders, women and children, the blind, crippled, lepers and the needy, he is committed to save the Mother Earth from the abuses caused by humans and the nature through the social mission of God Believers (GBA), which also serves the World Peace. In short, he is a global social reformer. Google

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