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B'Tselem בצלם
The Israeli authorities confiscated water pipes serving a small shepherding community in the #WestBank, forcing the impoverished community to buy water at high cost from water tanks, or rely on rainwater. The community’s water consumption without pipe delivery is about a tenth of what an Israeli resident consumes, and about a fifth of the minimum recommended by the World Health Organization.
The abuse of communities in Area C must end. Please share.
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While some of us were playing in the snow, others used the cover of the storm to go out and destroy olive trees that sustain Palestinian farmers in the Southern Hebron Hills. Local residents discovered some 24 olive trees severely vandalized this morning. The residents, who suspect settlers, informed the Israeli "Shai" police force, which inspected the scene and launched an investigation. If past experience is anything to go by, the investigation will fail to bring the offenders to justice.
Photo: Nasser Nawajah, B'Tselem.
Photo: Nasser Nawajah, B'Tselem.
In about two years, after a few more years of closure imposed over the impoverished, crowded piece of land south of Ashkelon, the time will be ripe for yet another war in #Gaza – the fourth? The fifth? Another war with predictable outcomes: thousands of dead, each and every one of them a person who meant the world to their families and loved ones.
Is this future inevitable?" Read this op-ed by B'Tselem's Director, Hagai El-Ad
Is this future inevitable?" Read this op-ed by B'Tselem's Director, Hagai El-Ad
Israeli authorities continue persecution of a tiny community in the#WestBank. Khirbet 'Ein Karzaliyah is a community of 24 (14 minors) who live off farming and shepherding in the Jordan Valley. On 22 January 2015, bulldozers again demolished all the community’s structures, for the fourth time since January 2014.
Israeli authorities have repeatedly attempted to expel the community from their place of residence and have repeatedly demolished their homes, as part of a deca...
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In a dramatic ruling, Israel's High Court of Justice accepted a petition filed by Palestinians from the West Bank village of 'Ein Yabrud together with Israeli human rights organizations B'Tselem and Yesh Din, and instructed the state to carry out demolition orders issued for nine structures built for the settlement of Ofra on the villagers' land. Most other structures in the settlement were also unlawfully built on privately-owned Palestinian land, without permits.
B'Tselem welcomes the ruling but notes that the overall picture remains unchanged: Israel has been taking over Palestinian land in the West Bank for years, whether by gaining control of private land or by appropriating public land for settlement use under the guise of 'state land'.
Safiyeh a-Najar from Khuza'a describes life after Operation Protective Edge. The town of Khuza'a lies in south Gaza, about 500 meters from the Israeli border. The town council listed some 15,000 residents before the operation, in about 2,000 homes. Residents told B’Tselem that on 22 July 2014, 2 days after ground forces entered Gaza, the town was heavily attacked and many fled to schools in nearby Khan Yunis. The UN listed 556 homes damaged, 336 of them destroyed. Many reside...
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Weekend must read: the New York Times describes the love story of two young Palestinians made impossible by Israeli restrictions. Last year we published a report about how ordinary family life and ties are becoming a challenge under Israeli restrictions of movement between Gaza and the west bank: http://www.btselem.org/…/summ…/201401_so_near_and_yet_so_far
It is not the soldier in the field nor the pilot in the cockpit who bear responsibility for the results of the fighting in #Gaza this summer : high level government and military officials were the ones who ordered the strikes in #Gaza and they are the ones who continued the strikes even once they were aware of the anticipated harm to civilians. Read our new report: http://bit.ly/Gaza-Report
#Israel claimed that it acted to prevent harm to civilians in #Gaza. Is that the case? Read our new report: Black Flag*: http://bit.ly/Gaza-Report
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In our report “Black Flag: The legal and moral implications of the policy of attacking residential buildings in the Gaza Strip, summer 2014”, (http://bit.ly/Gaza-Report) B’Tselem investigates 70 incidents in which at least three individuals were killed in the bombing of a home.
The bombings investigated resulted in the deaths of 606 people, comprising about a quarter of all Palestinian fatalities during Operation Protective Edge. It is highly probable that 70% of the people ...
Afficher la suiteThe bombings investigated resulted in the deaths of 606 people, comprising about a quarter of all Palestinian fatalities during Operation Protective Edge. It is highly probable that 70% of the people ...

Read our new report “Black Flag” on the legal and moral implications of the policy of attacking residential buildings in the #Gaza Strip, summer 2014:
Hamas made explicit its intention to harm civilians, not only firing at civilians in Israel but also doing so from within or near civilian dwellings in Gaza. In contrast, the government of Israel claimed that it acted to prevent harm to civilians in Gaza. Is that ...
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Today B’Tselem published its report on the policy of attacking residential buildings in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge. The report addresses one of the appalling hallmarks of the fighting in Gaza this summer: bombings in which hundreds of people were killed – constituting more than a quarter of all of the Palestinians killed in the fighting. Time and again Palestinian families suffered much grievous loss of life. In a single instant, so many families were ruined, with the wreckage of their lives mirroring the devastation of their homes. Hamas made explicit its intention to harm civilians. In contrast, the Israeli government claimed that it acted to prevent harm to civilians in Gaza. Is that the case?
On 12 Jan. 2015, Israeli Civil Administration ordered all 15 families in the al-Ka’abneh community to leave in 48 hours due to “recent incursion into state land”. Att. Shlomo Lecker filed an objection on behalf of the families, who have lived near Wadi Qelt since 1983, after twice being evicted from future settlement sites.
The al-Ka’abneh community is one of more than 20 Bedouin communities (some 3,000 people) living in the Ma’ale Adumim area near Jerusalem. For years, the ...
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Israeli military steps up use of live 0.22 inch bullets against Palestinian stone-throwers. The firing of this ammunition is an almost weekly occurrence in the West Bank in sites of protests and clashes. Most of those injured have been young Palestinians, including minors. Yet, in the last two months, one Palestinian woman, at least three photographers, and a foreign national who was taking part in a demonstration were also hit by these bullets. http://bit.ly/1yz5zrM
In recen...
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